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Easy Delivery Date Estimate

1. Click Estimate button at the product page
2. Confirm what you have entered
3. Click "Submit"
4. Estimate number is shown up

You can see the status of estimation at My Account Dashboard anytime.
When the estimation has been completed, email will be sent you.
Put available products into shopping cart if you agree the delivery date!

You can confirm the estimated delivery date without making an inquiry to us.
You can easily buy the products by putting them into the shopping cart if you agree the delivery date.
You can quote the estimated shipping date before placing an order.

If you want to know about suitability or specification of a product, please make an inquiry from Contact Us.

Delivery Date Estimate is for a prior confirmation use only. The price of the product at Delivery Date Estimate cannot be carried over at the time of placing an order. Changes can be made to the product prices after a sale period is over. Prices are subject to change.If you would like to purchase a product with the current price, please proceed to place an order, not to estimate the delivery date.

If you made an inquiry with wrong information (wrong product, quantity, or specifications), please make another inquiry to us with the correct information.If you inquire about the estimated delivery date of the product, that does not mean you place an order with us. You do not need to cancel or contact us regarding the estimate.

Expiration Date of the Estimation is within 10 days from the above completion date.