Spesifikasi HONDA BENLY50S
Based on the business model's CD 50, a semi-up handle and a semi-long seat featuring white piping are equipped, and a retro sports model that changed the mood by applying high-quality coloring.Engines and undercarriages forged by tough business use are necessary as legs in the city and have sufficient performance and standard equipped with a tough up tube which is hard to puncture even if you step through a nail etc.As part of the anti-theft measure, it is also equipped with prewiring that can be equipped with an optional alarm kit that emits a warning sound by sensing the shaking and movement of the car body.I have emphasized the sports mood by making the exterior and the frame the same color so far, but in this color change the frame, the swing arm, the rear shock outer case are black and the dark eye silver is adopted as the car body color.It became chic attire as compared with the past.There is no change in price, equipment, main specifications.
Kapasitas Mesin | 49 |
Horsepower Maksimum | 3.8ps(2.8kw)/7000rpm |
Torsi Maksimum | 0.42kg・m(4.1N・m)/6000rpm |
Berat Total | 78kg |
Kapasitas Tangki | 5.5 Liter |
Spesifikasi HONDA BENLY50S
Spesifikasi Dasar
Produsen | HONDA | Tipe Mesin | |
Nama Model | BENLY50S | Mode Boot Mesin | - |
Style・Tipe | Horsepower Maksimum | - | |
Power Mode | - | Torsi Maksimum | - |
Tipe | Berat Total(Berat Kering) | - (Simulasi)kg | |
Kapasitas Mesin | 49cc | Berat Total(Berat Perlengkapan) | - kg |
Tahun Penjualan | 2007Tahun | Rasio Berat Horsepower | [ - / - ] kg/PS |
Konsumsi Bahan Bakar | - | Panjang x Tinggi x Lebar | - mm × - mm × - mm |
Kapasitas Tangki | - Liter | Tinggi Jok | - mm |
Jarak Tempuh | [ - * - ]km(Simulasi) | Ukuran Velg Depan | - |
Tipe Pasokan Bahan Bakar | - | Ukuran Velg Belakang | - |
Informasi Pemeliharaan
Busi Perlengkapan Standar | - | Spesifikasi Sprocket | Transmisi(Front) > - T Transmisi(Belakang) > - T |
Jumlah Busi yang Digunakan | - Buah | Spesifikasi Rantai | - / - Nomor Rantai |
Kerenggangan Busi | - | Model Aki | - |
Total Minyak Mesin | - Liter | Lampu Depan | - Tipe Lampu: - |
Kapan Oli Diganti | - | Catatan Lampu Depan | - |
Kapan Filter Oli Diganti | - | Lampu Belakang | - / - |
Spesifikasi Lampu Sein Depan | - | Lampu Sein Belakang | - |
Rincian Informasi Perawatan Lainnya
Tipe Mesin | - |
Bore | - mm |
Stroke | - mm |
Rasio Kompresi | - :1 |
Metode Ignition | - |
Pelumasan Mesin | - |
Rangka | - |
Radius Putaran Minimum | 2. - m |
Sudut Kemiringan | - m |
Sudut Front Fork | - mm |
Tinggi Minimum | - |
Jarak Sumbu Roda | - |
Sudut Belok Kemudi (Kanan) | 2. - |
Sudut Belok Kemudi (Kiri) | - |
Rider | - Orang |
Kapasitas Tangki | - |