Let's 4 Basket

Spesifikasi SUZUKI Let's 4 Basket

Variation model of Let's 4 equipped with a 2-resin large-sized basket with roll type shutter at the front part of the front leg shield, and the headlight and turn signal were moved under the basket.The storage space under the seat is equipped with a replacement catechin-containing deodorant mat and antimicrobial pack for the first time as a scooter and takes care of storage of foods.Also equipped with a large convenience hook and a front inner pocket that contains 2 liter plastic bottles, the storage capacity is at the top of the class.Color change was done, and it became the lineup of two colors of the new color smoky silver metallic and the continuing candy sonomer red.

Kapasitas Mesin 49
Horsepower Maksimum 5.0ps(3.7kw)/8000rpm
Torsi Maksimum 0.46kg・m(4.5N・m)/6500rpm
Berat Total 69kg
Kapasitas Tangki 4.5 Liter

Spesifikasi Dasar

Produsen SUZUKI Tipe Mesin
Nama Model Let's 4 Basket Mode Boot Mesin -
Style・Tipe Horsepower Maksimum -
Power Mode - Torsi Maksimum -
Tipe Berat Total(Berat Kering) - (Simulasi)kg
Kapasitas Mesin 49cc Berat Total(Berat Perlengkapan) - kg
Tahun Penjualan 2009Tahun Rasio Berat Horsepower [ - / - ] kg/PS
Konsumsi Bahan Bakar - Panjang x Tinggi x Lebar - mm × - mm × - mm
Kapasitas Tangki - Liter Tinggi Jok - mm
Jarak Tempuh [ - * - ]km(Simulasi) Ukuran Velg Depan -
Tipe Pasokan Bahan Bakar - Ukuran Velg Belakang -

Informasi Pemeliharaan

Busi Perlengkapan Standar - Spesifikasi Sprocket Transmisi(Front) > - T
Transmisi(Belakang) > - T
Jumlah Busi yang Digunakan - Buah Spesifikasi Rantai - / - Nomor Rantai
Kerenggangan Busi - Model Aki -
Total Minyak Mesin - Liter Lampu Depan -
Tipe Lampu: -
Kapan Oli Diganti - Catatan Lampu Depan -
Kapan Filter Oli Diganti - Lampu Belakang - / -
Spesifikasi Lampu Sein Depan - Lampu Sein Belakang -

Rincian Informasi Perawatan Lainnya

Tipe Mesin -
Bore - mm
Stroke - mm
Rasio Kompresi - :1
Metode Ignition -
Pelumasan Mesin -
Rangka -
Radius Putaran Minimum 2. - m
Sudut Kemiringan - m
Sudut Front Fork - mm
Tinggi Minimum -
Jarak Sumbu Roda -
Sudut Belok Kemudi (Kanan) 2. -
Sudut Belok Kemudi (Kiri) -
Rider - Orang
Kapasitas Tangki -

Pencarian Cepat Suku Cadang