Pasol, which was released in November 2002 (nationwide launch in May 2003) as the first version of electric vehicle that runs 100% electricity, improved power performance and cruising range, and appeared as Pasol-L anew.With the basic system intact, the new model adopted for the EC - 02 released in May 2005 and the new lithium - ion battery which increased the energy density by 1.5 times, the maximum output is 0.95 kW / Increased from 1830 rpm to 1.2 kW / 2250 rpm, improving traveling performance when starting, medium speed, and ascending.At the same time, the cruising range from fully charged is also extended from 30 km / h to 30 km / h, from the conventional 32 km to 43 km, and the actual cruise distance in flat urban areas has been extended from 15 to 20 km to 25 to 30 km.Along with that, the dry weight is increased by 2 kg.The color lineup has been narrowed down from four conventional colors to one black.With the aim of sharing parts with the EC - 02, prices are reduced by 4,200 yen at a stretch from the previous 240,000 yen without tax.(Japan Electronics and Information Technology Institute) Electric vehicles etc. Introductory expenses subsidy subsidies are approved as subsidized vehicles, so if you apply before applying for a new car subsidy of up to 50,000 yen per one will be provided .

Kapasitas Mesin 0
Horsepower Maksimum -
Torsi Maksimum 0.8kg・m(7.5N・m)/6000rpm
Berat Total 47kg
Kapasitas Tangki - Liter

Spesifikasi Dasar

Produsen YAMAHA Tipe Mesin
Nama Model PASSOL Mode Boot Mesin -
Style・Tipe Horsepower Maksimum -
Power Mode - Torsi Maksimum -
Tipe Berat Total(Berat Kering) - (Simulasi)kg
Kapasitas Mesin 0cc Berat Total(Berat Perlengkapan) - kg
Tahun Penjualan 2005Tahun Rasio Berat Horsepower [ - / - ] kg/PS
Konsumsi Bahan Bakar - Panjang x Tinggi x Lebar - mm × - mm × - mm
Kapasitas Tangki - Liter Tinggi Jok - mm
Jarak Tempuh [ - * - ]km(Simulasi) Ukuran Velg Depan -
Tipe Pasokan Bahan Bakar - Ukuran Velg Belakang -

Informasi Pemeliharaan

Busi Perlengkapan Standar - Spesifikasi Sprocket Transmisi(Front) > - T
Transmisi(Belakang) > - T
Jumlah Busi yang Digunakan - Buah Spesifikasi Rantai - / - Nomor Rantai
Kerenggangan Busi - Model Aki -
Total Minyak Mesin - Liter Lampu Depan -
Tipe Lampu: -
Kapan Oli Diganti - Catatan Lampu Depan -
Kapan Filter Oli Diganti - Lampu Belakang - / -
Spesifikasi Lampu Sein Depan - Lampu Sein Belakang -

Rincian Informasi Perawatan Lainnya

Tipe Mesin -
Bore - mm
Stroke - mm
Rasio Kompresi - :1
Metode Ignition -
Pelumasan Mesin -
Rangka -
Radius Putaran Minimum 2. - m
Sudut Kemiringan - m
Sudut Front Fork - mm
Tinggi Minimum -
Jarak Sumbu Roda -
Sudut Belok Kemudi (Kanan) 2. -
Sudut Belok Kemudi (Kiri) -
Rider - Orang
Kapasitas Tangki -

Pencarian Cepat Suku Cadang