YAMAHA XS650 (1971)

  • 21/09/2016

20160921 - YAMAHA XS650 (1971)
This vehicle, based on YAMAHA XS650 model of 1971, has been built up in the motif of the motorcycle that Steve McQueen drove in the movie of “The Great Escape.” The exterior has been painted in matte army green. Even the wheels have been carefully finished from a rim to a hub and to each spoke. Because over 40 years have passed since the launch, its consumable supplies like a seal are from other XS650 vehicles and the owner has kept the machine in good shape by repeating restoration and customization. From the processing of the front fender and the installation of the luggage carrier to the rear suspension, this motorcycle has achieved high-quality completion.
1377867227072L - YAMAHA XS650 (1971) 1377867016941L - YAMAHA XS650 (1971)
spana - YAMAHA XS650 (1971)Motorcycle data
YAMAHA XS650 (1971)

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