[Kenny Sagawa’s Column] Now is the Time to Pay Attention to Your Motorcycle Gear!

  • 10/11/2016

20161102 sagawa column 01 - [Kenny Sagawa’s Column] Now is the Time to Pay Attention to Your Motorcycle Gear!

[Webike News Chief Editor: Kenny Sagawa]

It’s November now and the air is getting really cold in the morning and after dusk.

At this time of the year, the temperature is unstable by time or by day. The Meteorological Agency monthly forecast shows us that from the beginning of November, temperatures in eastern and western Japan will drop under average with sudden changes.

Be Careful of Change of Temperature and Body Temperature

Make sure to choose what you wear when you’re riding your motorcycle.

When you’re riding a motorcycle you are exposed to open air. What you wear will influence your comfort. You may go out with light clothes because it was hot a little while ago and come back freezing. I’m sure some of you have experienced that once or twice already.

You must be careful especially when you’re travelling on highways or on winding mountain hills.

For your information, at 100km an hour your temperature may drop more than 10 degrees. Your temperature will drop 0.6 degrees every 100 meters you climb a mountain. That means that if you are riding at high speed for instance in an upland approximately 1000 meters above sea level, body temperature will drop approximately 16 degrees than when travelling through flat grounds.

20161102_sagawa_column_02 20161102 sagawa column 02 - [Kenny Sagawa’s Column] Now is the Time to Pay Attention to Your Motorcycle Gear!

Although these are rough figures, they’re not totally off the track. It may be hot where you live but shivering cold at your destination.

First Change Your Inner Wear

Now I’d like to show from my experience how to choose riding gear.

When I go touring this time of the year, I hate to get cold so I make sure to protect myself against the cold weather.

I wear thermal inner wear and put on a wind breaker on top to prevent wind. I advise you to choose one with raised fabric. Ones that are light and warm and can be worn in between.

20161102_sagawa_column_003 20161102 sagawa column 003 635x680 - [Kenny Sagawa’s Column] Now is the Time to Pay Attention to Your Motorcycle Gear!*RS Taichi RSU966 Heat Generator X High Neck Undershirt 20161102_sagawa_column_004 20161102 sagawa column 004 635x680 - [Kenny Sagawa’s Column] Now is the Time to Pay Attention to Your Motorcycle Gear!*RS Taichi: RSU989 WIND STOPPER Inner Jacket
[Webike Shopping]
RS Taichi: RSU966 Heat Generator X High Neck Undershirt
RS Taichi: RSU989 WIND STOPPER Inner Jacket

Wear a Jacket that Corresponds to Climate Change

I wear a winter jacket on top which comes with a liner that can be removed to adjust temperature change. It’s handy. When it gets warm in the day time I can remove the liner and feel relaxed.

If removable liners are too much for you, you can take a light down jacket with you.

20161102_sagawa_column_05 20161102 sagawa column 05 680x340 - [Kenny Sagawa’s Column] Now is the Time to Pay Attention to Your Motorcycle Gear!*DFG Ranger Jacket

[Webike Shopping]
DFG Ranger Jacket

Be Carefull not to Drop Temperature Body

You’ll face great damage if you cool down temperature inside your body. To prevent this down jackets are useful. They can be folded compactly and can be easily stored under the seat or in the waist bag.

If you wear wind proof riding pants with raised fabric on top of thermal underwear, you’ll be able to cope with a wide temperature range.

20161102_sagawa_column_006 20161102 sagawa column 006 - [Kenny Sagawa’s Column] Now is the Time to Pay Attention to Your Motorcycle Gear!*KOMINE PK-900 Winter Pants SPIGA

[Webike Shopping]
KOMINE PK-900 Winter Pants SPIGA

Prepare for Change of Weather

If it starts to rain, quickly put on your rain suit. If your all season jacket gets wet it will take away body temperature, therefore it is best to have a rain suit with you.

Also, your body temperature will drop if you don’t protect your neck. No matter how warmly dressed you are, you may get a pain in the neck or a sore throat if your neck is continuously exposed to the wind.

Classic neck warmers will off course come in handy. But you can also find “buffs” that are stylish and also can be used as hair bands or bandanas.

20161102_sagawa_column_07 20161102 sagawa column 07 - [Kenny Sagawa’s Column] Now is the Time to Pay Attention to Your Motorcycle Gear!*GOLDWIN Wind Stopper Neck Warmer

[Webike Shopping]
GOLDWIN Wind Stopper Neck Warmer

If it starts to get colder you’ll need electric gear to cope with winter temperature. But that’s a different situation. I’ll talk to you about that if I get a chance some time.

It’s a great time of the year to go out on a motorcycle. Why not take a tour to see the autumn leaves.

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