Spesifikasi HONDA CBR600F

CBR 600 F of the popular middle class sports which revived last year.'12 Models only change color.Three types were prepared with conventional coloring.CB 600 F Based on Hornet as a base, it is equipped with equipment such as full cowl as a road sports, and goes the high way as a standard sports model.The optimum car rating for Japanese also has a deep breath acceptable to everyone as an all-rounder who will work totally from touring to town riding, winding, together with thought riding position.The total balance of the 102 ps specification of a full power car can be said to be particularly excellent.The ABS specification car is also line up.

Kapasitas Mesin 599
Horsepower Maksimum -
Torsi Maksimum -
Berat Total 211kg
Kapasitas Tangki 18.4 Liter

Spesifikasi Dasar

Produsen HONDA Tipe Mesin
Nama Model CBR600F Mode Boot Mesin -
Style・Tipe Horsepower Maksimum -
Power Mode - Torsi Maksimum -
Tipe Berat Total(Berat Kering) - (Simulasi)kg
Kapasitas Mesin 599cc Berat Total(Berat Perlengkapan) - kg
Tahun Penjualan 2012Tahun Rasio Berat Horsepower [ - / - ] kg/PS
Konsumsi Bahan Bakar - Panjang x Tinggi x Lebar - mm × - mm × - mm
Kapasitas Tangki - Liter Tinggi Jok - mm
Jarak Tempuh [ - * - ]km(Simulasi) Ukuran Velg Depan -
Tipe Pasokan Bahan Bakar - Ukuran Velg Belakang -

Informasi Pemeliharaan

Busi Perlengkapan Standar - Spesifikasi Sprocket Transmisi(Front) > - T
Transmisi(Belakang) > - T
Jumlah Busi yang Digunakan - Buah Spesifikasi Rantai - / - Nomor Rantai
Kerenggangan Busi - Model Aki -
Total Minyak Mesin - Liter Lampu Depan -
Tipe Lampu: -
Kapan Oli Diganti - Catatan Lampu Depan -
Kapan Filter Oli Diganti - Lampu Belakang - / -
Spesifikasi Lampu Sein Depan - Lampu Sein Belakang -

Rincian Informasi Perawatan Lainnya

Tipe Mesin -
Bore - mm
Stroke - mm
Rasio Kompresi - :1
Metode Ignition -
Pelumasan Mesin -
Rangka -
Radius Putaran Minimum 2. - m
Sudut Kemiringan - m
Sudut Front Fork - mm
Tinggi Minimum -
Jarak Sumbu Roda -
Sudut Belok Kemudi (Kanan) 2. -
Sudut Belok Kemudi (Kiri) -
Rider - Orang
Kapasitas Tangki -

Pencarian Cepat Suku Cadang